Lupi Purnomosari

Gw neh secara fisik, termasuk yg golongan menengah kebawah (waks..gubraxx!!) Tinggi: 163 cm (masak meter..), berat: 60 kg (buset dah...) Pakai jilbab, muslimah geto loh.. tapi bukan jilbab yg bener, jilbab yg rusak (wadoww.. ampunin gw yaa..) Kulit sawo mateng (cenderung kematengan..), suku jawa (bokap jogja, nyokap madura.. nah lho!!) Dulu waktu SMA gw pake bracket, tapi sekarang udah lepas, udah rada bagusan tuh jadinya gigi gw..

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Kira-kira baru lima tahun terakhir gw baru bisa berkurban (yaa kelasnya baru kambing doang sih, jadi titelnya "kelas kambing" dong?!). Dari harga 400rebu sampe sekarang udah nyambe 800rebu ck ck ck... devaluasi rupiah :(
Tapi sebetulnya gw ga yakin bahwa selama 29 thn gw hidup (udah thn 2007 neh, bikin gw rada keki), berapa besar sih "pengorbanan" gw terhadap sesama, apalagi kepada Allah? Wallahu'alam bi showab.

Gw inget banget waktu ke tanah suci lalu, di depan pintu Ka'bah ada maqom Ibrahim. Konon itulah tapak kaki Ibrahim (gw kasih tau ya, gedhee banget!). Di sudut bawah hajar aswad, terletak makam siti Hajar RA. Hebat ya keluarga ini, Ibrahin AS sebagai bapak nabi, istrinya budak hitam yang berhati mulia, dan putranya Ismail AS yang luar biasa sabar. Keluarga begini nih yang seharusnya kita contoh..

Ya Allah hidupkanlah sifat tabah Ibrahim diri agar tabah, sifat Ismail agar patuh, sifit Siti Hajar agar sabar, dan tawakal & akhlak Muhammad SAW agar selalu berbagi rahmat, amien...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mother's Day

Kasih ibu kepada beta,
Tak terkira sepanjang masa,
Hanya memberi,
Tak harap kembali,
Bagai sang surya,
Menyinari dunia....

Kepada para ibu,
Selamat Hari Ibu.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Love comes in all sizes

Your Friends will support you....
And respect your creativity
for thinking outside the box....
They'll be there when you need a
shoulder to lean on....
Or a great big hug....
A true friend takes interest in understanding what you're all about....
They see beyond the black and white
to discover your true colours....
And accept you just the way you are...
Even when you just wake up in the morning
So make your own kind of music....

Follow your heart wherever it takes you....
And when someone reaches out to you,
Don't be afraid to love them back....
They may just be a friend for life....
Practice patience and tolerance.....
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....
And impossible to forget!

Love is never afraid of giving too much

Ibu Avita..
Thank you for being my (ex) boss,
my colleague, my partner, my friend,
my "mother"..
Never ending love for you

Big hug & tears,
from your naughty daughter...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

lagi norak...

Keren gaa?? Serius neh?! Agak jadul seeh..

Kalo yang ini, gw bilang funkee abis...
Gw seneng banget sama tampang2 bahagia kita.

Kebayang ga, kalo gw ternyata bisa duaan sama richard gere??

Monday, November 20, 2006

As I mature

I have learned that you can not make someone love you.
All you can do is stalk to them and hope they panic and give in.

I have learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just as****es.

I have learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it takes only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I have learned you can get by on charm for fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better have big w***y or hug b***s.

I have learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.

I have learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished.

I have learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I have learned that regardless how hot and steamy relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be a lot of moneyto take its place.

I have learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your house, one of your kids did it.

I have learned that people you care most in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Eid ul-Fitr

Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر), often abbreviated as simply Eid, sometimes spelled Eid al-Fitr in the Roman alphabet, is an Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Fitr means "to break" and therefore symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period and of all sinful habits. On the day of the celebration, a typical Muslim family gets up very early and attends special prayers held only for the occasion in mosques, in large open areas, stadiums or arenas. The prayer is generally short, and is followed by a khutba. The festivities and merriment start after the prayers with visits to the homes of friends and relatives and thanking the Creator for all blessings. Eid is a time to come together as a community and to renew friendship and family ties. This is a time for peace for all Muslims in the world to devote to prayers and mutual well-being.

It is a joyous occasion with important religious significance. Happiness is observed at attaining spiritual uplift after a month of fasting. Muslims dress in holiday attire. After attending the special congregational prayer in the morning, worshippers greet and embrace each other in a spirit of peace, love, and brotherhood. Visiting friends and relatives is common.

For Muslims, Eid ul-Fitr is a joyful celebration of the achievement of enhanced piety. It is a day of forgiveness, moral victory and peace, of congregation, fellowship, brotherhood and unity. Muslims are not only celebrating the end of fasting, but thanking God for the help and strength that they believe he gave them throughout the previous month to help them practice self-control.

Common greetings during this three-day festival are the Arabic greeting "Eid mubarak", "Eid saeed" or its Urdu variation "Eid mubarak!" which, loosely translated, means "Happy Eid!". In many parts of Southeast Asia, it is common to greet people with "Selamat Hari Raya" or "Selamat Idul Fitri" which means "Happy Eid" in Malay and Indonesian. In Indonesia and Malaysia, more people greet another Muslims with "Maaf zahir dan batin" which means "I'm sorry physically and spiritually", because in Indonesia and Malaysia, Eid-ul-Fitr is not only for celebrations, it is also the time for Muslims to clean their sins.

The first Eid was celebrated in 624 CE by the Prophet Muhammad [S.A.peace be upon him] with his companions and relatives after the victory of the Battle of Badr.

The holiday follows the month of Ramadan, falling on the first day of Shawwal (the tenth month in the Islamic calendar). As with all months in the Islamic calendar, it begins with the sighting of the new moon. For this reason there may be regional differences in the exact date of Eid, with some Muslims fasting for 29 days and some for 30 days.

Eid ul-Fitr commemorates the end of the month of Ramadan. Fasting is forbidden on this day as it marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan. A Muslim is encouraged to rise early and partake of some dates or a light, sweet snack, significant because for the past 30 days they have abstained from all food and drink from dawn till dusk. Many Muslims feel a sense of loss or sadness at the passing of Ramadan.

Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes, new if possible, and to attend a special Eid prayer that is performed in congregation at mosques or open areas like fields, squares etc. When Muslims finish their fast at the last day (29th or 30th Ramadan), they congregate Takbir:
Allahu akbr, Allahu akbr, Allahu akbr,
la illaha ila Allah,
wa Allahu akbr, Allahu akbr
wa lillah hilhamd
God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest
There is no deity but [the One] God
God is Greatest, God is Greatest
and to Him goes all praise

The Takbir is recited after confirmation that the moon of Shawwal is sighted on the eve of the last day of Ramadan. It continues until the start of the Eid prayer. Before the Eid prayer begins every Muslim (man, women or child) must pay Zakat al Fitr, an alms for the month of Ramadan. This equates to about 2 kg of a basic foodstuff (wheat, barley, dates, raisins, etc.), or its cash equivalent, and is (typically) collected at the mosque. This is distributed by the mosque to needy local Muslims prior to the start of the Eid prayer. It can be given anytime during the month of Ramadan and is often given early, so the recipient can utilise it for Eid purchases. This is distinct from Zakat based on their wealth, which must be paid to a worthy charity. This is calculated at 2.5% of their wealth.

The Eid prayer (salah) is followed by the khutba (sermon) and then a prayer (dua') asking for forgiveness, mercy and help for the plight of Muslims across the world. It is then customary to embrace the persons sitting on either side of you as well as your relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Children are normally given gifts or money. Women (particularly relations) are normally given special gifts by their loved ones. Eid is also the time for reconciliations. Feuds or disputes, especially between family members, are often settled on Eid

In Indonesian the feast is named Hari Raya Idul Fitri or informally, Lebaran. Hari Raya literally means The Great Day of (Celebration) . Sometimes, there are different statements on when the day falls, especially between Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, because people use different techniques to determine it. Almost all of the people follows the government of Indonesia's statement and such differences do not get in the way of people celebrating. This event is recognized as national holiday and starts a few days before Idul Fitri and lasts some days after it. Schools also have different schedule for the holiday as many Islamic schools usually make it a longer holiday. Muslims in Indonesia usually ask forgiveness from their relatives and friends after the special prayer. Another interesting Idul Fitri tradition in Indonesia is mudik that usually applies to urbanites who came to Jakarta from the other provinces of Java or other islands in Indonesia. Before Idul Fitri comes, people will go back to their hometowns where their relatives, sometimes including their parents, reside. This event often causes crowding in airports, seaports, and bus stations while some who are travelling by car are trapped in the traffic jam for hours. For little children, asking for money as well as forgiveness from relatives is common to motivate them. Many, especially in the cities, also use the term angpau for the money just like Chinese people do.

At the night of the last day of Ramadan, Indonesians usually do 'Takbiran'. Takbiran is a big celebration, people, from little children to old men, recite the takbir with a microphone in a parade. They travel around the town and usually they hit 'bedug', a large drum, as a background music of the takbir.

Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin
Taqabalallahu Mina Waminkum
Taqabal yaa Karim..........

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I believe in you

The path you have chosen
A restless road
No turning back
One day you
Will find your light again
Don't you know
Don't let go
Be strong

Follow you heart
Let you love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself, an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you can not do
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you.

Tout seul
Tu t'en iras tout seul
Coeur ouvert
A L'univers
Poursuis ta quete
Sans regarder derriére
N'attends pas
Que le jour
Se léve

Suis ton étoile
Va jusqu'ou ton reve t'emporte

Un jour tu le toucheras
Si tu croix si tu croix si tu croix
En toi
Suis la lumiére
N'eneins pas la flamme que tu portes
Au fonds de toi souviens-toi
Que je croix que je croix que je croix
Que je croix
En toi

Someday I'll find you
Someday you'll find me too
And when I hold you close
I'll know that is true

Follow your heart
Let you love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself, an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you can not do
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you.

II Divo - Celine Dion

Monday, October 16, 2006

Oh my Dani...

Gimana rasanya dipecundangi rekan sendiri? Gw bener2 heboh waktu Dani tergelincir, and directly membuat motor Nicky juga terlempar keluar...
Yang gw takutkan saat itu, Nicky ninju Dani yg super imut :( kan ga lucu bow...

Tiga lap terakhir, as always, menjadi lap2 kritikal yang sangat menengangkan. Toni Elias secara mengejutkan "mencuri" posisi pertama dari Rossi yg sudah memimpin dari start awal. Gw akui deh Toni emang kenceeeng... Dan gw juga harus akui bahwa Rossi juga pekerja keras yg ga gampang nyerah utk main safe aja.

Moto GP di sirkuit Estoril kemaren emang bener2 meng'entertaint' gw. Aside, Dani this time make me very disappointed :(

Pedrosa: Maafkan Saya

Sudah sepantasnya jika Dani Pedrosa meminta maaf karena aksi kamikaze-nya pada Nicky Hayden. Rookie Repsol Honda inipun berencana menebus kesalahannya di Valencia.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya Pedrosa malah menjadi batu ganjalan Hayden untuk menjadi juara di Estoril sekaligus mempertahankan selisih poin dengan Valentino Rossi di klasemen MotoGP 2006. Secara mengejutkan Pedrosa menabrak Hayden dari belakang yang membuat kedua rider Repsol Honda ini pensiun dini dari Estoril.

Aksi tersebut tak ayal membuat Hayden bak kebakaran jenggot. Karena merasa bertanggung jawab atas hilangnya peluang Hayden dan kekecewaan pendukung Hayden, Pedrosa pun berharap semua pihak memaafkannya.

"Apa lagi yang bisa saya katakan? Saya membuat kesalahan dan saya sungguh menyesal. Menabrak pembalap lain seperti ini merupakan yang pertama kali saya lakukan selama karir saya. Semua itu terjadi di momen yang sangat buruk," sesal Pedrosa seperti dikutip Moto-Live, Senin (16/10/2006).

"Pastinya saya sangat tidak senang karenanya dan begitu juga Nicky. Saya hanya ingin meminta maaf karena kesalahan ini. Saya sudah meminta maaf pada Nicky dan saya bisa mengerti mengapa ia begitu marah. Saya berharap bisa menggantinya," tutur Pedrosa lagi.

Urusan bayar membayar kesalahan, Pedrosa bisa melakukannya di balapan berikutnya. Hayden berharap rekan setimnya itu bisa membantunya meraih titel juara dunia, bukan dengan aksi kamikaze lagi tentunya melainkan dengan menembus finis satu dua di Valencia.

Sayangnya keinginan Hayden sepertinya akan sulit terwujud. Pasalnya Pedrosa mengalami cedera yang cukup mengganggu pada kelingkingnya untuk balapan di Valencia satu minggu lagi. Meski demikian Pedrosa yakin bisa membayar kesalahannya itu di seri terakhir MotoGP 2006.

"Kelingking saya mengalami keretakan tapi kami memiliki waktu untuk sembuh guna berlaga di Valencia," tukas Pedrosa.

Tidak seperti di seri Portugal, peluang Pedrosa menjadi juara dunia sudah tertutup untuk laga di Valencia. Satu-satunya kesempatan yang cukup terbuka adalah milik Hayden karena perolehan poin dengan Rossi yang cukup dekat.

Hayden: Menyakitkan!

Bagaimana tanggapan Nicky Hayden ketika peluangnya untuk menjadi juara dihancurkan rekannya sendiri, Dani Pedrosa, di Estoril, Minggu (15/10/2006)? "Sungguh menyakitkan," ujarnya.

Seperti diketahui, peluang Hayden menjadi juara di Estoril dan sekaligus menjaga selisih poin dengan Valentino Rossi di klasemen harus musnah karena aksi kamikaze Pedrosa. Secara mengejutkan rookie terbaik MotoGP 2006 ini malah menabrak Hayden dari belakang dan membuat rider asal Amerika Serikat ini mengakhiri balapannya.

Kekecewaan pun langsung ditunjukkan Hayden saat berjalan ke safety zone pasca tabrakan terjadi. Hayden tampak mencaci maki dan sangat marah dengan rekannya tersebut.

"Saya tidak tahu lagi harus ngomong apa, sungguh menyakitkan," tutur Hayden seperti dikutip Moto-Live, Senin (16/10/2006).

"Saya tidak berharap Dani untuk memberi saya ruang dan membiarkan saya melaju, tapi pastinya saya juga tidak mengharapkan hal seperti itu. Kami profesional dan Dani telah mendatangi saya, kami berbicara dan berjabat tangan," ungkap Hayden.

"Saya membutuhkan bantuan Dani sekarang karena segala sesuatunya bisa terjadi di Valencia, saya harap tangannya baik-baik saja. Saya memberi tahu dia bahwa ada peluang untuk memperbaiki kesalahannya dan hal itu adalah jika kami meraih juara satu dan dua di Valencia, maka perebutan gelar masih memungkinkan. Itulah balapan," harap Hayden.

Hayden berada di urutan kedua klasemen sementara pembalap dengan koleksi 236 angka, delapan poin di bawah Rossi. Gelar juara dunia 2006 hanya bisa didapatkan Hayden jika dirinya bisa menjadi juara di Valencia, sementara Rossi maksimal menembus finis di urutan ketiga.

(Mohammad Yanuar Firdaus - detikSport)

Friday, October 13, 2006

team order

Udah pernah denger istilah team order?
Terus terang gw baru "ngeh" istilah itu setelah Ryna (temen gw kursus espanol) bolak-balik ngomongin team order.

Penasaran? please take a look definition of it below...

Team Orders in motor racing is the practice of one driver allowing another from the same team or manufacturer to gain a higher finish on the say so of the team management. This is generally done when one driver is behind in a particular race but ahead overall in a championship season. The team will then order their drivers to rearrange themselves on the track so as to give the championship points to the driver who needs them most. Prime examples of this are the team orders issued by the Ferrari Formula One team to their drivers. This team's main driver Michael Schumacher consistently won the Formula One Drivers Championship, but would sometimes find himself behind his Ferrari team-mates on the track, such as (2000-2005) Rubens Barrichello. The Ferrari team would order Schumacher's team-mate to let him pass, as he was more likely to win the drivers championship and therefore it would be more useful for him to take the highest points.

Banning Of Team Orders In F1 Racing Subsequently, after the 2002 Austrian Grand Prix incident where Rubens Barrichello was ordered to allow teammate Michael Schumacher to pass in order to obtain the win, "Team Orders" were banned in F1 regulations, although they are sometimes still implemented discretely.

Salah satu fave racers gw adalah Schuey.. lepas dari talentanya dia yg emang very skillful di arena balapan, sebenernya gw nyesek banget waktu liat ferrari melakukan team order kpd Rubens utk kasih jalan Schuey, sangat tidak fair...
Gw juga ragu2, apa bener enggak ada team order waktu di suzuka kemaren? keliatan banget, felipe kasih jalan schuey utk overtook even pada start... hmpffhh...

Yang paling anyar, berita Nicky (Hayden) yang minta Dani (Pedrosa) untuk "bantu" dia saat perebutan championship winner di 2 race mendatang. Maksudnya apa neh mas? Kalau mau menang ya usaha dong! Jangan minta belas kasihan team matenya gitu dong...
Untung Honda tidak menerapkan system team order...
Susahnya fair play...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Curso de Espanol

Sejak Mei-Juni tahun ini gw memutuskan ikut les bahasa spanyol. So far, berarti gw udah spend sekitar 5 bulanan join curso de espanol. Loe jangan pada tanya kenapa ya gw ikutan kursus ini. Gw sendiri ga tau kenapa ambil kursus ini, asli gw ga tau... Mungkin di kelas, gw satu-satunya estudiante yang ga punya alasan kuat kenapa ambil kursus ini. Oh iya, gw ambil kursus ini di PPB UI kampus salemba.
Kelas pertama gw, nivel uno, temen2 gw lumayan banyak. Ada mba' Wahyuni, Ryna, Lintang, Kiki, senor Tejo (gw panggil senor, karena gw anggap doi paling senior en la clase), Doni, Rosa, and Syafa'at. Semuanya asik y dynamic.
Masuk level dos, barisan berjatuhan... Kiki ada urusan kerjaan, Doni pindah ke Cervantes (Trisakti), Rosa dapet kerjaan so gak ada waktu luang lagi utk ikutan kursus, Syafa'at off the record... But, en nivel dos, gw juga dapet tambahan 4 temen baru. Ada tante Tien, bu Yeni, and Dewi kuadrat (coz dua2nya namanya sama bow...)
Back to nivel uno, gw hepi banget dapet 2 profesora yg cantik2 y OK. Namnya Pilar y Elia. For the result, gw bisa pass the exam dengan nilai yg lumayanlah utk level beginner :)
Enter level dos, gw punya new profesira, namely Claudia... gw belum mau cerita panjang lebar dulu deh, coz belum kelar... anyway, so far so good but not easy. So pastilah... kalau yg namanya level lebih tinggi, lectureny juga lebih susah... nenek2 juga tahu pi'...

Kemaren Cludia absent, and digantikan sementara oleh Pilar.
Very warmful, relax, full smile-as always-she taught all of us that evening.
At the end of the session, she said that on Deciembre she & her husband will go back to Espana & do not come again to Indonesia.
Heh... sedih juga gw dengernya.
Gw sangat terkesan punya guru seperti Pilar. Suatu saat kalau orang tanya siapa guru spanyolmu, gw akan jawab: yang pertama namnya Pilar, in her you can find only smile & goodnes...

Berhubung gw udah rada tune in sama kursus ini, boleh dong gw bagi2 sejarahnya spanyol... sapa tau ada yg berbaek hati ngajak liburan gw kesana :)

Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España,short form: España[1]), is a country located in Southern Europe, with two small exclaves in North Africa, politically organized as a parliamentary monarchy. It is the largest of the three sovereign nations that make up the Iberian Peninsula—the others are Portugal and Andorra.

In the 8th century, nearly all the Iberian peninsula, which had been under Visigothic rule, was quickly conquered (711–718), by mainly Berber Muslims (see Moors), who had crossed over from North Africa, led by Tariq ibn Ziyad. Visigothic Spain was the last of a series of lands conquered in a great westward charge by the Islamically inspired armies of the Umayyad empire. Indeed they continued northwards until they were defeated in central France at the Battle of Tours in 732. Astonishingly the invasion started off as an invitation from a Visigoth faction within Spain for support. But instead the Moorish army, having defeated King Roderic proceeded to conquer the peninsula for itself. The Roman Catholic populace, unimpressed with the constant internal feuding of the Visigothic leaders, often stood apart from the fighting, often welcoming the new rulers, thereby forging the basis of the distinctly Spanish-Muslim culture of Al-Andalus. Only three small counties in the mountains of the north of Spain managed to cling to their independence: Asturias, Navarra and Aragon, which eventually became kingdoms.
To the west and to the south of Galicia, Spain borders Portugal. To the south, it borders Gibraltar and, through its cities in North Africa (Ceuta and Melilla), Morocco. To the northeast, along the Pyrenees mountain range, it borders France and the tiny principality of Andorra. It also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and a number of uninhabited islands on the Mediterranean side of the strait of Gibraltar, known as Plazas de soberanía, such as the Chafarine islands, the isle of Alborán, the "rocks" (peñones) of Vélez and Alhucemas, and the tiny Isla Perejil. In the northeast along the Pyrenees, a small exclave town called Llívia in Catalonia is surrounded by French territory.
Muslim Spain was wealthy and sophisticated under Islamic rule. Cordoba was the richest and most sophisticated city in all of western Europe. It was not until the 12th century that western medieval Christiandom began to reach comparable levels of sophistication, and this was due in part to the stimulus coming from Muslim Spain. Mediterranean trade and cultural exchange flourished. Muslims imported a rich intellectual tradition from the Middle East and North Africa, including knowledge of mathematics and science, and they helped revived. Crops and farming techniques introduced by the Arabs, led to a remarkable expansion of agriculture, which had been in decline since Roman times. In towns and cities magnificent mosques, palaces, and other monuments were constructed. Outside the cities, the mixture of large estates and small farms that existed in Roman times remained largely intact because Muslim leaders rarely dispossessed landowners. The Muslim conquerors were relatively few in number and so they tried to maintain good relations with their subjects. This relative social peace, which was already deteriorating from the late 10th century, broke down with the later, stricter, Muslim sects.
Roman, Jewish, and Muslim culture interacted in complex ways. A large part of the population gradually adopted Arabic. Arabic was the official language of government. Even Jews and Christians often spoke Arabic, while Hebrew and Latin were frequently written in Arabic script. These diverse traditions interchanged in ways that gave Spanish culture — religion, literature, music, art and architecture, and writing systems — a rich and distinctive heritage. However, as the 11th century drew to a close most of the north and centre of Spain was back under Christian control.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Alex Yoong

Liat A1 GP di Brno (Czech republic) kemaren minggu ga?
Gw sempet 'terkesima' dengan performanya Alex Yoong, racer Malaysia.
Yang terlintas di kepala gw, nekat neh orang...
He took high risk by hitting Canadian rider to get 1st position, and he succeed pass it very well! Good Job...

Quoting from

A1 Team Malaysia's first victory of the new A1GP season in the Sprint race at Brno, Czech Republic today was followed with a second win in the longer Feature race, a double celebration for Alex Yoong and his Malaysian crew.

Yoong's Sprint race win and fastest race lap earned him pole position for the 38 lap Feature race. The standing start saw the field of A1GP cars representing 23 nations from around the world race to the first corner, up to five abreast. In the frenetic opening ection Yoong was pushed wide allowing the Canadian car to take the lead. Both countries held position until the round of pitstops, and after the window allowed for the tyre change Yoong still lay in second place.

Yoong said after the two races, "It's been a fantastic weekend. After Zandvoort I knew we needed to have to score a few points here to get our championship started, and we went ahead and did it. To be honest I didn't expect it, because we did have quite a few problems in the Netherlands. We started slow on Friday, struggling a bit, but the car just got better and better, I could attack and that made a difference today.

I had a few attempts at overtaking Canada before I made it stick, but he got on the dirty stuff and I could see he was struggling. He'd done well up until then, but he ran wide and I dived up the inside. We both could have made it round the corner, but he turned in, trying to close the door, but I was already alongside and we made contact. That's motor racing, we're happy with the double win. Let's hope this success fills the stands in Sepang. We've done well on a track we don't know, wait until we get to one that we do know!"

Emang siapa sih Alex Yoong?

Alex Yoong (熊龍, pinyin: Xióng Lóng, born July 20, 1976) is a Malaysian race car driver. He was born in Kuala Lumpur and of mixed parentage - his mother Joanna Bean is from England, while his father, a Malaysian with Chinese ethnic roots is Hanifah Yoong Yin Fah, a former racer and manager of the Shah Alam circuit between 1988 and 1998.

After the 2005/06 A1GP, Yoong raced in the 2006 Le Mans Series as well as the 2006 Le Mans 24 Hrs for Jan Lammers, the A1 Team Netherlands seat holder. Yoong was very competitive, holding third position in Lammers' Dome-Judd when the throttle stuck, sending the car into the wall at the first chicane on the Mulsanne straight and breaking both steering arms.

Gimana nih dengan Ananda? Well... Gw masih appreciate apa yang telah lakukan Ananda di dunia balap untuk mengharumkan nama Indonesia tercinta.
Maybe Ananda should learn more from Alex how to win A1 GP. I know it is not easy at all, but if Malay could win, why can't Indo?

ITC Cempaka Mas

Senin kemaren gw diajak jalan sama temen kantor, namanya Riri (asik neh orangnya). Tapi baru beneran jalannya ya hari Selasa kemarin itu (maklum Senin kan gw ada curso de espanola)
Ayuk aja sih.. doi ngajak jalan ke ITC Cempaka Mas, di daerah senen kesonoan dikit.
Alasannya kenapa ke ITC, karena bosen aja ke atrium, "Masak Atrium mulu' mbak?? Bosen kalee?" (bagi yg ga kenal atrium... kasyian dee loe!!)
Anyway, pergilah kita ke ITC... rasanya gw udah pernah kesini, tapi ga yakin juga... gene neh nasib anak kuper ;p
Masuk pertokoan ITC biasalah... banyak baju, banyak tas, banyak makanan, banyak orang, banyak keringet juga (upfhhhh.... puasa geto loh... mumet dab!)
Selama Riri pilih2 baju, gw perhatiin seluruh pertokoan. Gw perhatiin konsumen2 kita tercinta ini, dan gw bisa ngambil kesimpulan: konsumen Jakarta emang konsumtif!
Siapa bilang orang Jakarta miskin?
Coba deh tongkrongin tuh sepanjang koridor ITC or whatever mall that you can find it a lot in Jakarta, waduh... orang2 pada kalap belanja, tangan kanan-kiri penuh sama tas belanjaan... ck ck ck...
Gw pergi hari Selasa, hari kerja penuhnya kayak gitu, gimana yang libur???
Kayak pepesan pindang kaleee???
Apa mungkin karena menjelang lebaran? Gw jadi rada sewot neh, siapa sih yang pertama kali menerapkan pola: lebaran bisanya pake baju BARU??!! Gw yakin 100% Rasulullah tidak menerapkan hal itu. Apa sih susahnya kita menerapkan pola kehidupan sederhana seperti Rasul? Pasti jawabannya: susah bow....
Pantesan negara ini gak maju maju... duh gusti, duh gusti...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My fave racers...

Valentino Rossi (born February 16, 1979 in Urbino, Italy) is an Italian professional motorcycle racer and multiple MotoGP World Champion. He is widely considered one of the best motorcycle racers of all time. According to Sports Illustrated, Rossi is the 7th best-compensated athlete in the world, earning an estimated $30 million a year.
He is famous for using the number 46 only, the racing number of his father, Graziano. Typically, a World Championship winner (and also runner-up and third place) is awarded the #1 sticker for the next season. However in an homage to Barry Sheene (who was the first rider of the modern era to keep the same number), Rossi has stayed with the now-famous #46 throughout his career. The text on his helmet refers to the name of his group of friends: "The Chihuahua Tribe", and the letters WLF on his leathers stand for "Viva La Figa" or Long Live Pussy. He traditionally also incorporates his favorite color (fluorescent yellow) into his leather designs. Rossi wears the #1 reserved for the reigning World Champion on the shoulder of his racing leathers.
Rossi now lives in Knightsbridge, London, England.
As of May 24, 2006, Rossi announced that he would be staying in MotoGP until he felt his work on the motorbike was "finished". Ferrari driver Schumacher said that he felt "saddened" by Rossi's decision, but supported it.

Kimi Matias Räikkönen (pronounced approximately /ki-mi ma-ti-as ræik-kø-nen/ in IPA, born October 17, 1979 in Espoo, Finland) is a Formula One race car driver. He is nicknamed " The Iceman". He finished runner-up in the Formula One World Drivers' Championship in 2003 and 2005. Currently, he drives for Team McLaren-Mercedes, but has signed a 3-year deal with Ferrari from the 2007 season onwards.
After a difficult and busy winter testing period, during which the new McLaren proved neither reliable nor quick, there was much speculation about Räikkönen's future in Formula One and he was unofficially linked with Ferrari and Toyota. The first real test for the 2005 championship runner-up and his car was neither a disappointment nor a relief.
After the 2006 Italian Grand Prix, while Räikkönen and Schumacher were still on the podium, Ferrari announced that Schumacher would be retiring from the sport. Only a few minutes later came the announcement that Räikkönen had signed a three-year contract with Scuderia Ferrari for the 2007-2009 seasons, after years of rumours.

Daniel "Dani" Pedrosa (born September 29, 1985 in Sabadell, Spain), is a Grand Prix motorcycle racer [1]. Pedrosa grew up in a village near Sabadell called Castellar del Vallès. He is the youngest world champion in 125cc and 250cc Grands Prix. Pedrosa stands 1.58m (5ft, 2in) tall and weighs 47kg (104lbs).
Pedrosa made the move to 990cc MotoGP bikes in 2006, still riding for Honda. Critics said that Pedrosa wasn't big enough or strong enough to successfully race MotoGP. He finished second in the opening round at Jerez on March 26, 2006. At his fourth ever MotoGP appearance, on May 14, 2006, during the Chinese Grand Prix race weekend held in Shanghai, he won his first MotoGP race.
He won his second MotoGP race at Donington Park and became a strong candidate for the MotogGP Championship. It was a memorable victory for Dani, who shared the podium first time with Valentino Rossi in 2nd place. He also took 2 pole positions in the first half of the season.

Michael Schumacher (pronounced /mɪçaeːl ʃumaxɐ (help·info)/, (nicknamed Schumi / Schu in German) born January 3, 1969, in Hürth Hermülheim, near Cologne[1][2]) is a German Formula One driver and seven-time Formula One world champion. . According to the official Formula One web site, he is statistically the greatest driver the sport has ever seen.[3], as well as being the most successful driver in the history of Formula One. Schumacher has been nicknamed the Red Baron, both because of his red Ferrari, and also referring to the great German fighter pilot Manfred Von Richthofen, who was similarily the most successful in his endeavors as a flying ace.
The Japanese Grand Prix started off in the practice sessions as very wet before clearing off into sunny conditions for Saturday's Qualifying. These drying conditions suited the Bridgestone tryes excellently and it showed as the first 4 places on the grid were Bridgestone runners with the Ferrari of Massa and Schumacher on the front row, followed by the Toyotas of Ralf Schumacher and Jarno Trulli, and then the Renaults of Alonso and G Fisichella sixth. The Ferraris started well with Massa leading Schumacher into the first corner. Alonso jumped Trullie and was fourth behind Ralf Schumacher, whom he eventually passed prior to the first pit stop. On the third lap Massa let Schumacher through to allow him the maximum chance of a win and of increasing his championship lead. After the first round of stops Alonso jumped Massa and was chasing Schumacher for the win. The gap, however stabalised at 5.5 seconds and it appeared Schumacher would win with 16 laps remaining until his engine failed (the first such failure for 5 years), allowing Alonso to claim the victory. After the race Schumacher announced that the title was lost even though he can still win the championship in Brazil should he win and Alonso fail to score. In this event, he would have 92 race wins, the combined total of Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, the second and third placed drivers in terms of race wins.

Berkaca dari film2 Iran

Merhatiin ga kalo selama Ramadhan, one of our TV channel plays Iranian films??
Pasti engga dee... kebanyakan nonton sinetron Indonesia yg ga bermutu itu kaaannn??
Atau nonton siaran menjelang saur/buka yang isinya kuis & presenternya pada teriak2 itu kaaannn??

Anyway, gw mau bahas film2 Iran itu. All in all sebetulnya mereka bercerita tentang daily life, real life, sometimes happy ending but sometimes sad...
Kebanyakan kisah bercerita seputar kehidupan anak2.
Tau sendiri kan kehidupan anak-anak itu seperti apa?
Anak-anak itu selalu berbahagia dalam kondisi apapun.
Kita memang harus belajar banyak kepada anak-anak bagaimana seharusnya mensyukuri hidup & kehidupan.

Minggu kemarin, gw liat film Iran yang bercerita tentang gadis cilik yang kebingungan, dihadapkan 2 pilihan: mengasuh adiknya yg masih bayi & mengikuti ujian.
Adik lelakinya yang lainnya juga masih kecil, orangtuanya pun tidak ada (kalau engga salah ada di hospital dee..)
Digambarkan perjalanan anak ini mencari nenek, bibi, tetangga or whoever yg bersedia mengasuh adiknya hanya selama 1 jam ujian.
Eventually - karena tidak ada yang bersedia mengasuh - si adik tetap dibawa ke sekolah, dibuatkan ayunan di pohon sekolah, lalu ayunan tsb diikatkan tali panjang sampai kelas si anak sebagai 'alat' pengayun jarak jauh... Very touching story.

Gw dulu pernah liat film serupa tentang anak jalanan, judulnya: daun di atas bantal, pemainnya mbak christine hakim. Keren juga tuh film, ambil setting di jogja. Bercerita ttg how struggling anak2 jalanan ini menghadapi tekanan hidup saat ini.
Sayangnya jarang yang bikin film2 beginian...
Kalo enggak romance picisan, ya film hantu2an/setan2an...
Lha wong uripe beda2 alam kok mas... masih aja difilmin...
Duh gusti... pantes negara ini gak maju2...

Saking hepinya gw liat Iran's movies, gw kirim email ke Arash (temen gw SEANLP, nah loh... bingung ga tuh apaan SEANLP?? kapan2 deh gw ceritain...), just for sharing my opinion, trus doi komentar gene neh...

"the quality of our movies have dramatically upgraded after revolution, in the last 28 years. Nowadays Iranian movies are most of the time among the final candidate list of prize winners in many international festivals around the globe. However, and sadly, translating the wordings from one language to another inevitably decrease the impact of messages that actors are conveying in every moment of the movie. But anyways, I feel happy that even a translated persian movie could touch your heart".

Apa kita perlu suatu revolusi untuk bisa buat film2 yang lebih manusiawi, down to earth dan berkualitas?
Kan udah tahun '98 kemaren... cape''' dee...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Do you remember...?

We never talked about it
But I hear the blame was mine
I'd call you up to say I'm sorry
But I wouldn't want to waste your time

'Cos I love you, but I can't take any more
There's a look I can't describe in your eyes
Yes we could try, like we tried before
When you kept on telling me those lies

Do you remember...?

There seemed no way to make up
'Cos it seemed your mind was set
And the way you looked it told me
It's a look I know I'll never forget

You could've come over to my side
You could've let me know
You could've tried to see the difference between us

But it seemed too far for you to go.

Do you remember...?

Through all of my life
In spite of all the pain
You know people are funny sometimes
'cos they just can't wait
To get hurt again

Do you remember...?

There are things we won't recall
Feelings we'll never find
It's taken so long to see it
Cos we never seemed to have the time

There was always something more important to do
More important to say
But 'I love you' wasn't one of those things
And now it's too late

Do you remember...?

Phil Collins
Love Songs (a compilation... old and new)

Pupus sudah harapan Schumy...

Aduh kecewanya gw... jagoan gw ngebul di lap 37...
Schumy gagal engine, so harus retired dan menyerahkan kemenangan (sekaligus gelar juara dunia) kpd Alonso. Oh common my dear!! this is really horrible for you fans!!
Gw masih berharap banyak sebelum balapan suzuka ini dimulai bahwa Schumy akan menutup karirnya sebagai juara dunia ke delapan kalinya. Tapi ternyata takdir berkata lain. Aduh lemes banget gw...
Anyway he performed very well, the best that he could do it to his team, his fans, and for everyone. Salute for him, big congrats as well!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Ulang Tahun Rayhan....

Honestly, gw bingung kalo ditanya ini ulang tahun yg keberapa??? :))
Perasaan seh udah 5 tahun... tapi Susy bilang baru 4 thn, doi udah refer to Riri & Ade tuh... (mereka bertiga adalah warga education division, gw sekarang pindah ke research division, tapi itu pun sampe sekarang kagak jelas... hixx...)
Oh iya, Rayhan ini anaknya bos gw dulu...
Anaknya, seperti anak2 lain, lucu, gemesin, tapi kadang2 nakal juga... hobinya spitting bow... saking seringnya gw cium2 doi, eh doi ga keberatan lho cium pipi gw...
Anyway, today is his birthday. Big hug & congrats for you Ray, may Allah gives the best love in your happy day ever after...

jelang kualifikasi F1 (yg ga suka balapan ga usah komentar deh....)

Jelang kualifikasi besok pasti seru neh!
Detik2 penentuan buat Schumy or Alonso utk perebutan gelar juara.

Gw quote dr sitenya di

"Giancarlo Fisichella put Renault ahead of Ferrari at the end of Friday's first day of practice for the Japanese Grand Prix. Fisichella made up for some of the criticism he came in for after last weekend's Chinese race by beating the scarlet cars of Felipe Massa and Michael Schumacher into second and third places at Suzuka. Fernando Alonso was fourth"

Tapi kayaknya hasil terakhir yg dilansir test-driver honda ada di pole, disusul torro roso... nah tuh... kagak ada yg gw kenal...

Tapi ada cerita lucu neh, lagi2 dari :
"Yamamoto Dikira Sato, Heidfeld Salah Maki"
Huahaha... gw ngakak abis... kebayang ga seh wajahnya Yamamoto kena maki2 Heidfeld... Padahal Yamamoto itu rekan satu teamnya Heidfeld wakakakak....
Berarti selama ini Heidfeld ga pernah perhatian dong kalo Yamamoto partner doi...

Anyway, gw tetep dukung Schumy & Kimi. Love them very much...
Ngomong2 masalah Kimi, untung aja Kimi tahun depan move to ferrari. Yang gw suka dari mc-laren mercedes itu cuma colornya aja yg sexyyyy abis bow... hitam metalik gitu seh, kesannya... slurp, slurp, slurp ;p

hapus aku

tuliskan kesedihan
semua tak bisa kau ungkapkan
dan kita kan bicara dengan hatiku
buang semua puisi antara kita berdua
kau bunuh dia sesuatu yang kusebut itu cinta
yakinkan aku tuhan dia bukan milik ku
biarkan waktu hapus aku
sadarkan aku tuhan dia bukan milik ku
biarkan waktu hapus aku