team order
Terus terang gw baru "ngeh" istilah itu setelah Ryna (temen gw kursus espanol) bolak-balik ngomongin team order.
Penasaran? please take a look definition of it below...

Team Orders in motor racing is the practice of one driver allowing another from the same team or manufacturer to gain a higher finish on the say so of the team management. This is generally done when one driver is behind in a particular race but ahead overall in a championship season. The team will then order their drivers to rearrange themselves on the track so as to give the championship points to the driver who needs them most. Prime examples of this are the team orders issued by the Ferrari Formula One team to their drivers. This team's main driver Michael Schumacher consistently won the Formula One Drivers Championship, but would sometimes find himself behind his Ferrari team-mates on the track, such as (2000-2005) Rubens Barrichello. The Ferrari team would order Schumacher's team-mate to let him pass, as he was more likely to win the drivers championship and therefore it would be more useful for him to take the highest points.
Banning Of Team Orders In F1 Racing Subsequently, after the 2002 Austrian Grand Prix incident where Rubens Barrichello was ordered to allow teammate Michael Schumacher to pass in order to obtain the win, "Team Orders" were banned in F1 regulations, although they are sometimes still implemented discretely.
Salah satu fave racers gw adalah Schuey.. lepas dari talentanya dia yg emang very skillful di arena balapan, sebenernya gw nyesek banget waktu liat ferrari melakukan team order kpd Rubens utk kasih jalan Schuey, sangat tidak fair...
Gw juga ragu2, apa bener enggak ada team order waktu di suzuka kemaren? keliatan banget, felipe kasih jalan schuey utk overtook even pada start... hmpffhh...

Yang paling anyar, berita Nicky (Hayden) yang minta Dani (Pedrosa) untuk "bantu" dia saat perebutan championship winner di 2 race mendatang. Maksudnya apa neh mas? Kalau mau menang ya usaha dong! Jangan minta belas kasihan team matenya gitu dong...
Untung Honda tidak menerapkan system team order...
Susahnya fair play...
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