Lupi Purnomosari

Gw neh secara fisik, termasuk yg golongan menengah kebawah (waks..gubraxx!!) Tinggi: 163 cm (masak meter..), berat: 60 kg (buset dah...) Pakai jilbab, muslimah geto loh.. tapi bukan jilbab yg bener, jilbab yg rusak (wadoww.. ampunin gw yaa..) Kulit sawo mateng (cenderung kematengan..), suku jawa (bokap jogja, nyokap madura.. nah lho!!) Dulu waktu SMA gw pake bracket, tapi sekarang udah lepas, udah rada bagusan tuh jadinya gigi gw..

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Love comes in all sizes

Your Friends will support you....
And respect your creativity
for thinking outside the box....
They'll be there when you need a
shoulder to lean on....
Or a great big hug....
A true friend takes interest in understanding what you're all about....
They see beyond the black and white
to discover your true colours....
And accept you just the way you are...
Even when you just wake up in the morning
So make your own kind of music....

Follow your heart wherever it takes you....
And when someone reaches out to you,
Don't be afraid to love them back....
They may just be a friend for life....
Practice patience and tolerance.....
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....
And impossible to forget!

Love is never afraid of giving too much

Ibu Avita..
Thank you for being my (ex) boss,
my colleague, my partner, my friend,
my "mother"..
Never ending love for you

Big hug & tears,
from your naughty daughter...